
Showing posts from 2007

In Memory of Benazir Bhutto Cut U.S. Ties to Musharraf By Medea Benjamin

The following is an excerpt from Information Clearinghouse: "Bhutto's assassination is a blow to people all over Pakistan, and the world, who hold life sacred and believe in the basics precepts of democracy. It is also a blow to women worldwide who took strength from seeing such a courageous, articulate and charismatic woman playing a leadership role in a powerful Muslim country. Inside Pakistan, even her most bitter critics wept at the news of her death, understanding that it is indeed a dark day when assassination becomes a tool for eliminating opposing viewpoint" There is much speculation about who committed this odious act. It could certainly be religious militants opposed to a leader like Bhutto who repeatedly expressed her determination to combat violent extremists. Bhutto was perceived by many Pakistanis as too "pro-Western," especially after remarks that if elected Prime Minister,...

Why Does Iran Need Nuclear Power

Figure it out! Iran has that largest available army in the world according ... and virtually nothing else. Iran 11,770,000 China 7,024,000 North Korea ...


By Debra Rae February 5, 2006 By definition, globalism is an interdependent, one-world state that undermines Western traditionalism inclusive of the US Constitution , free enterprise, Judeo-Christian ethic, and the traditional family—all of which, over time, are exchanged for so-called enlightened collaborative consciousness in the name of “collective security.” Curious, isn’t it, that the National Chairman of the Communist Party USA, Gus Hall once made this startling admission: “The battle [to save America] will be lost, not when freedom of speech is finally taken away.” Instead, Hall continued, America will be lost “when her citizens become so adjusted or conditioned to getting along with the group that, when they finally see the threat, they say, ‘I can’t afford to be controversial.’” That is to s...


ELITE MEET BEHIND STIFF SECURITY Secret Cabal Roosts at Ritz-Carlton; Riot Police Keep All But Invited Out BILDERBERG 2007 REPORT AFP’s Jim Tucker is back in the United States after discovering Bilderberg right in the middle of Istanbul, and not at the Klassis Country Club, 40 miles outside Istanbul as he first believed. What follows is Jim’s first on-the-spot report, filed before leaving Istanbul. By James P. Tucker Jr. ISTANBUL, Turkey—Bilderberg celebrated President Bush’s “surrender” on two major issues while showing distress over continuing setbacks to its goal of establishing a world government under the United Nations. Bush’s surrender came on two fronts: The environment and the sovereignty-surrendering Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST). As recently as May 25, Bush administration officials reiterated his long-standing opposition to European demands on the environment, especially the Kyoto Treaty, which would impose he...

Argument Without End —Robert S. McNamara - Review

Spotlight Reviews January 4, 2000 Reviewer: (Eureka, IL United States) When In Retrospect first came out, some of the people at the college where I teach came up to me and said: "Did you hear? McNamara's published a book and he says the Vietnam War was all a mistake!" Whoa - talk about your late-breaking news! Still, I suppose hearing those sentiments from the highest levels imparts a certain power to them that us lowly grunts could never hope to possess - but I think I recall saying "this is a big mistake" on my first patrol (I served in 'Nam in '68-'69). The rub, of course, comes when we try to figure out WHY it was a mistake, and it is here that McNamara can give us something truly significant. Does he? I think that he does, but what he has to give us has been dished up many times before. Apparently realizing that he hadn't provided those answers the war requires in In Retrospect, McNamara instituted a series of conferences...

political wisdom

take a good look at your own foundation your feet one is always on the right and the other is always going to be on the left but your ass which you keep covered up is always in the middle

Let History Judge By Scott Ritter

25 January, 2006 Alternet Scott Ritter served as a Chief UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq from 1991 until his resignation in 1998. He is the author of, most recently, Iraq Confidential: The Untold Story of the Intelligence Conspiracy to Undermine the UN and Overthrow Saddam Hussein (Nation Books, 2005). S tung by growing criticism of his Iraq policy which has manifested itself in all-time low public opinion ratings, President Bush last month embarked on a tour in which he delivered five speeches outlining his "Plan for Victory" in Iraq, as well as offering a defense of his decision to invade Iraq. "It is true that much of the intelligence [used to justify the invasion] turned out to be wrong", Mr. Bush said in the fourth of these speeches. "As President, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq." While taking responsibility for his actions, Mr. Bush has not taken well to any criticism of his role in over-selling the cas...

The Political Pyschology of What Really Kills People

the united states bombed and invaded iraq and is now continually killing people in order to be considered friendly the us demands that the iraqis approve of this hostile act those who disapprove of the united states bombing, invasion and continual killing are considered to be terrorists and are often arrested and/or killed the united states is training the iraqis who approve of this hostile act to remain friendly to prove how friendly they are they must continue to kill other iraqis now and for years to come now some iraqis are bit confused and disapprove for some insane reason they think this is a bad idea since their life supporting infrastructure has been destroyed by the united states and they have for many years watched their children and loved ones suffering and dying the natural inclination of the crazy ones is to feel unfriendly toward the united states its occupation its military presence and its continued activities in their land and would do anything in their power to disco...

The Politically Corrupt

a retired attaché to the united nations once told me "if you understand the politics and know your way around the bureaucracy , you will find that the US federal government is the most corrupt system in the world and you can make a lot of money here to prove this all one needs to do is to look at how many high government officials are listed as "insiders" with the sec and investigate their holdings in corporations currently operating or will operate under government contract contracts that are war dependent so for instance a pharmaceutical company is researching a new drug which the us government promises to stockpile in the event of a biological attack by investigating the board of directors of that corporation you may notice the name of a high government official when you study the stock of that company you can easily obtain the information about any stock purchases made by "insiders" it will intrigue you to notice who owns exactly how much of what


there are those who believe that anything outside of a nationalistic or elitist point of view is sinful and evil and should be eradicated