The Political Pyschology of What Really Kills People

the united states bombed and invaded iraq
and is now continually killing people
in order to be considered friendly
the us demands that the iraqis approve of this hostile act
those who disapprove of the united states bombing, invasion and continual killing
are considered to be terrorists and are often arrested and/or killed
the united states is training the iraqis
who approve of this hostile act to remain friendly
to prove how friendly they are
they must continue to kill other iraqis
now and for years to come
now some iraqis are bit confused and disapprove
for some insane reason they think this is a bad idea
since their life supporting infrastructure has been destroyed
by the united states
and they have for many years
watched their children and loved ones suffering and dying
the natural inclination of the crazy ones
is to feel unfriendly toward the united states
its occupation
its military presence
and its continued activities in their land
and would do anything in their power
to discourage the united states and the friendly iraqis from remaining
sadly some feel prone to unfriendly acts of violence against both the us
and the friendly iraqis who are killing their countrymen
why do so many people find it so hard to be agreeable
i think in the words of president george dubbya bush
they ought to "quit this shit" and simply become friendly
to the united states and help us kill them terrorists
so iraq can become safe and sound for multi national corporations
and all the christian religions that will invade iraq next
making many friends and teaching them to make converts
in order to "love thy neighbor" as thyself
this is the political psychology of what really kills people
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