By Debra Rae

February 5, 2006

By definition, globalism is an interdependent, one-world state that undermines Western traditionalism inclusive of the US Constitution, free enterprise, Judeo-Christian ethic, and the traditional family—all of which, over time, are exchanged for so-called enlightened collaborative consciousness in the name of “collective security.”

Curious, isn’t it, that the National Chairman of the Communist Party USA, Gus Hall once made this startling admission: “The battle [to save America] will be lost, not when freedom of speech is finally taken away.” Instead, Hall continued, America will be lost “when her citizens become so adjusted or conditioned to getting along with the group that, when they finally see the threat, they say, ‘I can’t afford to be controversial.’” That is to say, they concede to a common cosmic consciousness, pledging allegiance, not to the United States of America, but rather to the world community. This, my friend, is collectivism, and it is by no means America-friendly.

In The Secret Destiny of America, Freemason authority Manley P. Hall revealed that “secret societies have worked for centuries to create such an enlightened democracy,” a Novus Ordo Seclorum (Latin for “godless secular world order of the ages”). The UN Report on Human Development maintains that “mankind’s problems can no longer be solved by national governments.” According to this 1994 report, “what is needed is world government.” Toward realizing the goal of an enlightened global democracy, Winston Churchill (1947) singled out an united Europe as “the urgent and indispensable step.” Nurtured at Bilderberg Group meetings, today’s European Union serves as prime archetype of a rapidly maturing, allegedly illumined, would-be worldwide social democracy.

Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbott (CFR) believes “a politically united Europe will advance our common goal to terminate nationhood as we know it and replace it with a single authority.” With this in view, international power-elitists have purposed first to regionalize Europe, then the world, in a forcible race to global governance. For good reason, I liken global governance to a giant undersea octopus with eight gangly arms twisted resolutely around the neck of nationhood. Once national sovereignty is effectively compromised, a bio-regionally-defined, representative trans-federal government can and will emerge

Globalization speaks to redistribution of the world’s wealth. Sounds magnanimous, but wait. The agenda is to concentrate that wealth (therefore, power) in the hands of a few who manage the masses by means of international law. Just who makes up this oligarchy? Ask Harvard-trained Professor Carol Quigley (Bill Clinton’s mentor). It was he who unveiled and affirmed existence of a permanent shadow government consisting of powerful bankers, businessmen, and government officials who together control our political life from behind the scenes. Purportedly paving the way for world peace, those recommended for special training in internationalism by being awarded Rhodes Scholarships are persuaded that exceptional talents and aptitude guarantee their right to rule over less gifted masses. After all, the latter are judged to be unaware of what is good for them.

In 1933, FDR wrote Colonel Edward M. House that “a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” More recently, on the other side of the pond, Margaret Thatcher pinpointed the long-term goal of international policy makers as these. It is to establish the United Nations as a kind of embryo world government. Convening at the highest levels, and poised at the center of the New World Order, the UN already represents a limited form of world government. Offering an exhaustive framework for global governance, more than 500 multinational treaties have been deposited with the UN.

In September 2000 internationalists worked over the Charter for Global Democracy to restructure the UN from a debating society into a sovereign entity. Not surprisingly, UN Secretary-general Kofi Annan dubs the UN “the ultimate power.” His career goal is to be promoted to global Prime Minister over an assembly of the people made up of moneyed non-governmental organizations.

In Bolshevism and World Peace (1918), Russian Communist Leon Trotsky described “the task of the proletariat”—that being, “ to create an UN of Europe as foundation for the US of the World.” Accordingly, attempts were made in Prague (March 2004) to enlarge the pan-European vision by creating, under a single banner, a true continental political unification.

The EU is first in position, as prelude to full-blown globalism; similarly, it is first in preeminence. The Lisbon Strategy (2000) looks to the ensuing decade to render it the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. Creation of the European Monetary Union, the Euro serves as common currency for participating member-states and represents about 1/5 of the world’s economic output and trade. What is happening today in the European Community almost guarantees the economic dominance of Western Europe in the burgeoning New World Order.

Founded in 1968, the Club of Rome is responsible for today’s United Europe. Its 1972 report, the Limits of Growth, served as a blueprint for this gutsy new political, economic, and military union. Already the Club of Rome has divided the world into ten political-economic regions referred to as “kingdoms.” Adopted by twenty-five countries at the second session of the World Constituent Assembly, the 1977 Constitution for the Federation of Earth proposes an administrative structure of twenty world electoral and administrative regions with ten mega-regions.

In February 2004, small, informed discussions and networking at Witton Park Meetings in England looked to expanding the European security force and its relationship to the US, NATO, and the UN. Be assured the US/EU partnership for the 21st century is amply motivated and propelled by the world’s largest two-way trade and investment relationship, accounting for more than a trillion dollars.

The global octopus may well be deemed harmless, but beware. Henry Lamb (publisher, Eco-Logic) warns that an “interdependent, one-world state under global leadership will result in the US taking on the lowest common denominator that forced equity demands.” This being the case, the divinely inspired and unique political perspective of what Trinity Law Professor James Hirsen identifies as “the grand experiment we call America” is imperiled by its suffocating grip.

© 2006 Debra Rae - All Rights Reserved

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Daughter of an Army Colonel, Debra graduated with distinction from the University of Iowa. She then completed a Master of Education degree from the University of Washington. These were followed by Bachelor of Theology and Master of Ministries degrees-both from Pacific School of Theology.

While a teacher in Kuwait, Debra undertook a three-month journey from the Persian Gulf to London by means of VW "bug"! One summer, she tutored the daughter of Kuwait's Head of Parliament while serving as superintendent of Kuwait's first Vacation Bible School.

Having authored the ABCs of Globalism and ABCs of Cultural -Isms, Debra speaks to Christian and secular groups alike. Her radio spots air globally. Presently, Debra co-hosts WOMANTalk radio with Sharon Hughes and Friends, and she contributes monthly commentaries to Changing Worldviews and

Together, Debra and her husband traveled throughout Africa, Asia, East- and West- Europe, North- and South- Americas--once on the British Concorde. Now widowed, Debra calls the Pacific Northwest home.

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  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Greeks stole the Egyptian, Trojan, Roman and Venetian empires to benefit
    their hideous decadent merchantilism. They invented capitalism along with
    perfidiously decadent sexual, "philosophical", and commercial mores. Greeks
    are not courageous enough to fight, but prefer commerce, witch alchemy
    "science" and literature as instruments of domination. Greeks invented
    globalization three thousand years ago. The perfidy of the Trojan Horse
    betrays how perfideously Greeks fight. During the Depression, Casavis
    betrayed how masons are beholden to the Greeks. The Greeks have always been
    behind the Satan's religion of Secular Humanism. Greeks invented masonism
    long before Christ and now control the core conspiracies of the CIA and CFR.
    Gorbachev, who bears the mark of the antiChrist on his forehead, is a member
    of the Greek politburo, called Archons of Constantinople. They are the
    secret controllers of the Federal Reserve (from their Delian League), using
    board of directors like Brademas, Hatsopoulos, Patrikis, and Jamie Dimon.
    Russia was always controlled by Greeks, originally for the wheat, and the
    first Russian governor of Alaska was a Greek named Delaros. Jefferson and
    Franklin were controlled in the writing of our Constitution by a guy straight
    from Greece named Paradise at the same time as Russia had a Greek foreign
    minister, who had lured the greatest scientists of Europe to work in Russia.
    A Greek named Peter Peterson replaced David Rockefeller at the helm of the
    Council on Foreign Relations. The CIA has long been controlled by Greeks like
    Tenet and Negroponte. Arab countries are controlled by the Greeks who ship
    their oil. Greeks are still intent on consummating their Chanuka crimes.
    Greeks are so aware they are the devils' answer to the Jews, that when the
    Greeks first tried to be Christians they started calling themselves Romans
    instead. American slave trade was controlled by a Greek family named
    Benakis. Greek diners are oil ship money laundries - what do they do when we
    are not eating? Those diner boys do so well in those filthy colleges,
    because the colleges are Greek instruments of world domination established by
    the guy named Paradise who controlled Jefferson and Franklin. This is why
    colleges all look like Greek temples and have those depraved Greek
    fraternities. The devil General Grant admitted to being a Byzantine emperor.
    The Greek devil Papnichlau invented the sex "liberating" pap smear. The USA
    movie industry was invented by Spyros Scouras, friend of Stalin. The Greek
    devils carelessly caused Atlantis to disappear when they arrived on earth.
    Turks are just Trojans avenging millenia of occupation. We must liberate
    humanity from three millenia of Greek domination.


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