A private notebook of Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather in the Naked Underground.
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take a good look at your own foundation your feet one is always on the right and the other is always going to be on the left but your ass which you keep covered up is always in the middle
By Debra Rae February 5, 2006 NewsWithViews.com By definition, globalism is an interdependent, one-world state that undermines Western traditionalism inclusive of the US Constitution , free enterprise, Judeo-Christian ethic, and the traditional family—all of which, over time, are exchanged for so-called enlightened collaborative consciousness in the name of “collective security.” Curious, isn’t it, that the National Chairman of the Communist Party USA, Gus Hall once made this startling admission: “The battle [to save America] will be lost, not when freedom of speech is finally taken away.” Instead, Hall continued, America will be lost “when her citizens become so adjusted or conditioned to getting along with the group that, when they finally see the threat, they say, ‘I can’t afford to be controversial.’” That is to s...
savethemales.ca is among the best journals i have found on the study of conspiracy - here are a few interesting viewpoints - what do you think? Financial Oligarchy Is Behind This War by Rachel Douglas of EIR General Colonel Leonid G. Ivashov, the outspoken former head of the International Military Cooperation Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense, has published a strategic assessment of the current fighting in Southwest Asia. (www.iamik.ru). According to Gen. Ivashov, the driving force behind the Israeli operation against Hezbollah and Lebanon is not provocations by Syria or Iran, not Hezbollah, and not Israel itself, nor the United States, or Great Britain. Rather, writes Ivashov, "In our view, the primary player is the politically shadowy world financial oligarchy, which is working steadily and persistently to change the political, economic, and social organization of the global community, in its own interest. The well-known American economist Lyndon LaRouche calls th...
As a Westerner I have been trying to wrap my brain around the Middle East Conflicts for quite some time. The following is what I have come up with so far. It is is a response to a post by a friend: "There WAS peace in the Middle East before we got there. Sunnis and Shias were living together in peace as Catholics and Protestants do in America and Europe. They lived harmoniously together, intermarried, celebrated common local religious holidays, worked together, respected each other's differences just as we do here. They had established an ecumenical state of being. But the Shias are a minority and often well educated and somewhat Marxist believing that the Sunni traditions have grown too corrupt. Reforming activist groups have become militant and being supported by outsiders and what was once a peaceful people who had achieved stasis have been consistently prodded into adversity with one another. It would be the same if Mexico and Canada had funneled massive funds to the B...
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