
Showing posts from November, 2008

Abusive Self Interest: Tyranny

Secrecy has nothing to do with the national security and everything to do with private interests and those who lie, steal, cheat, murder, rape, pillage the public by using executive privilege. Aristotle and every major political philosopher since has warned against secrecy in office. It indicates the presence of abusive self interest which is tyranny. The president is required to turn over his records upon leaving office for the public record but Obama intends to assist Bush and Cheney in continuing their secrecy. The president-elect’s Web site promises he will reverse Executive Order 13233, nullifying the timely, lawful release of presidential records. For more on this go to :

Bush-Cheney-Rice ... Obama-Biden-Clinton

I believe that strong leadership requests information, makes decisive decisions and bears the responsibility. The level of knowledge required to be decisive in the office of the President of the United States was much greater than the present administration possessed and its lack of wisdom crippled the financial system of this nation; something the people trusted it was well poised to strengthen. What system can Obama enhance with popular words, high ideals, charismatic speeches, and a plentiful lack of hard earned leadership and experience while Biden and Clinton are calling the shots? This looks like a repeat performance.