Political playgrounds for Those Driven by Lust, Malice and Greed.

Driven by lust, malice and greed the highest levels of leadership build "highly classified" playgrounds for the rich, the famous, and the terrorists, tucked away in the hills, like Auschwitz.
Freedom insists that all inmates must be accounted for, and visiting rights must be permitted. Accepting anything less constitutes oppression, and those who go with that program are living in an oppressed society. Full accountability is how we the people know what is truly happening to us by whom. Legislation against this civic right presupposes cruel and unusual punishment, and must be considered an act against the public liberty. Those who initiate and support such laws are in effect commiting high crime and treason against the people, the state and the flag which represents countless thousands who have died to protect our freedom.
Highly classified camps, and other locations with detainees, especially those who are unaccounted for are victims of cruel and unusual acts against humanity by perverse individuals on the order of the Nazis, or worse ... plain and simple.
Free people avoid indulging in deeply alternative sexual activity, and or drugs, unless under professional supervision, which acts as a control, and checks and balances on mental health and emotional stability. Those in highest levels of office, who have the power and financial capabilities to embrace such behavior unchecked, escalate to greater and greater lusts inevitably establishing, well justified politically, hideous conditions for humanity as in the last century. These acts must never be revisited.
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