Natural Holistic Politics

1. Higher organized organisms prey upon lower organized organisms.

2. Colonialism is natural and holistic massaging the needs of the mother country.

3. Disbanding colonial control over weaker nations was unnatural leaving unnatural results of chaos and disorder.

4. It has become the wise undertaking of the West to put order back into the nations which have fallen into chaos and disorder by killing communists and dissidents and installing organized selfsustaining [sustainable] social systems.

5. In order to achieve this effectively the West must ascertain that viable economic systems be a part of the program. [cf.: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins, Plume, 2004]

6. This type of reorganization is called Global Hegemony, [cf.: The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives by Zbigniew Brzezinski,
Basic Books, 1979.

7. Since the fall of the State of the Soviet Union in Russia, the remaining political leaderships may be most easily compared to the same Mafia, and organized crime that was initiated the Soviet regimes. These violent groups foster violent revolutions against colonial rule, and its priviledge class philosophies of the Old Regime held by the governing nobilities, aristocracies and high international finance. Their ensuing governments became organized under Lennist/ Marxist philosophies of social reorganization of the workers/proletariats to form a communist party and order. As nature demonstrates this lower form of political organization and system of government will inevitably seccumb to being controlled or exterminated by the higher more evolved form found in constitutional republics based upon democratic principles.

8. Politics based upon the above principles provide for equality of all people, freedom of speech, religion, rules of non discrimination, freedom to be of any race, creed or sex. These principles are best witnessed in the United States of America and in countries where US has been effective in implementing rules of order, peace and economic prosperity such as Fallujah, Iraq. The extreme violence witnessed in the previous link establishes the degree of force and obliteration that the West is capable of exerting against terrorists, insurgents and anyone who chooses violence. The argument here is that it might seem unfair that the higher organization uses extreme violence to deter violence. My personal response is this: If the West understood how to use love and kindness to get the same result, believe me, it would.

9. Since the current understanding and philosophies of the day are consumed with natural remedies and holistic thinking, then is the West applying natural thinking to resolving the questions of survival of the fittist on a political scale? For further study read more on Social Darwinism.

10. The author of this site maintains, and urges a more spiritual view of brotherly love and peace based upon the teachings of Christ, Gandhi and Martin Luther King. I understand that the higher order of love and kindness in the world is established through peace based upon inner strength and courage instead of using physical force or violence to achieve it's end.


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