Kamal Nazer Yasin of Eurasia.net writes on 5/01/09:
"At a UN anti-racism conference, dubbed Durban II and held in Geneva, Ahmadinejad made a spectacle of himself by making what some diplomats characterized as a "hate speech." In his conference comments, Ahmadinejad alleged that Zionism "personifies racism," going on to accuse Western states of encouraging the establishment of a "totally racist government in occupied Palestine."

One must remember that Zionism has its roots in the occupation of Israel during the time of Moses and was characterized then by a strict command from God to purify the land pf Canaan killing all the inhabitants of the existing towns and villages and to dwell there "forever". At the same time the Law of Moses called for a strict observance of purification rites and the strict ordering of twelve tribes and the administration of worship and justice by the Levitical priesthood and families, the Kohanim. But, they blew it! And God kicked them out.

Traditions of separatism and violence are a deep part of the texture of the middle east and represent systems of honor and nobility for many of the nations. Jerusalem, which means the city of peace, represents established traditions of peace in the Middle East. That city was founded by a forbear of Abraham, "The Priest of Salem" who is also the ancestor of Ishmael.
The basic teaching is simple: to protect the widow and the fatherless, love thy neighbor, treat foreigner fairly, and maintain a spirit of hospitality. This was the way in the beginning and will endure until the very end.


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