How Are You Using Our Flag?

What are you doing and your to our flag?

i hold these truths to be self evident

pleasure is reward
pain is punishment

living souls naturally approach one
and flee the other

unless you are insane

a society of psychologically healthy people
is pleasant
a society of psychologically unhealthy people
is painful

if you are a human being
you have been endowed by your creator
with a unique person
a true identity
and an alive being

are these rights
or are these rather
the necessary condition of human existence
unless of course
you are an animals
and are being bred for slaughter

rewards and punishments are rights

some claim certain rights of rewards
to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
others claim that they have certain rights
to death slavery and the pursuit of misery

i believe that these two types of people
are catagorically unequal

one is obviously a danger to the other

the ones who inspire life liberty and happiness
are classified as human beings
the ones who cause death slavery and misery
are called animals and must be restrained

it is imperative that these two types
be divided into two separate dintinguishable classes
a superior class
and an inferior class
the class who pursues life liberty and happines
is the superior class
and must govern the other
which causes death bondage and misery
is the inferior class
and must be restrained
and under certain circumstances deleted
as the superior class deems fit and necessary

this is the will of the one
from whom human beings derive their existence

certain laws to this effect
are already established
in all legitimate forms of government
further adjustment is needed
to correct for errors of judgement
and incorrect legislation in the past

we pray for all those
who are in positions of authority
may God grant them wisdom
strength and power to carry out their mission
faithfully and with all love generosity and graciousness


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