Understanding Government - Three Rules

First Rule:

and elegance
represent the highest form of government
and begin with the individual

and vulgarity
represent the lowest form of government
likewise beginning with the individual

Second Rule:

all authority
derives from the idea:

"we are right and you left"

those who remain united
establish law and order

those who left
invariably return
to challenge the established law and order
they become anti-establishment

family dynamics [party, clan, regime, cabal, etc.]
are designed to maintain power and government

the group in the right
views the established government as high

and the group on the left
as low

the higher group
is fundamentally monarchial
and supports unequality
ennobling the lower group
with values of loyalty strength and honor

the group which is lower
and fundamentally democratic
supporting equality
and suspects the higher government

those of the lower group
whose lives represent
treachery weakness and disgrace
are conscripted to fight wars
as military
a subtle form of slavery
or imprisonment
designed to ennoble or destroy the lower classes

[Cf: Athens in the time of Pericles]

Third Rule:

Those who are wise and worthy to judge, govern and teach represent equlibrium.
Understand and honor them.

(In my view the Founding Fathers of the United States were all honorable men who believed that the best of both aspects of government could be achieved in a consitutional republic. They began an "experiment". I believe this experiment has failed. The following address by George Washington may serve to clarify the reasons why.)


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