
Donald Trump the "Master Wizzard"? This Forbes  article of 2015 published when he was running for President,  explains a few of the the mass hypnosis techniques he uses to control the minds of his followers.

Sunni Shia Peace and Politics

As a Westerner I have been trying to wrap my brain around the Middle East Conflicts for quite some time. The following is what I have come up with so far. It is is a response to a post by a friend: "There WAS peace in the Middle East before we got there.  Sunnis and Shias were living together in peace as Catholics and Protestants do in America and Europe. They lived harmoniously together, intermarried, celebrated common local religious holidays, worked together, respected each other's differences just as we do here. They had established an ecumenical state of being.  But the Shias are a minority and often well educated and somewhat Marxist believing that the Sunni traditions have grown too corrupt. Reforming activist groups have become militant and being supported by outsiders and what was once a peaceful people who had achieved stasis have been consistently prodded into adversity with one another. It would be the same if Mexico and Canada had funneled massive funds to the B...

The Islamic Problem with the West

Islam's problem with the West centers on the freedom of speech.  Their communities live in the bondage and fear of speaking freely and are enjoined from expressing their thoughts and ideas. They believe we should censure as they do. We flatly refuse.

Romney Elegant?

"Mr. Romney said his comments were “not elegantly stated” while at the same time reiterating the main point." -Fox News I would expect that statements by a person of Romney's calibre should be elegantly stated.
Kamal Nazer Yasin of writes on 5/01/09: "At a UN anti-racism conference, dubbed Durban II and held in Geneva, Ahmadinejad made a spectacle of himself by making what some diplomats characterized as a "hate speech." In his conference comments, Ahmadinejad alleged that Zionism "personifies racism," going on to accuse Western states of encouraging the establishment of a "totally racist government in occupied Palestine." One must remember that Zionism has its roots in the occupation of Israel during the time of Moses and was characterized then by a strict command from God to purify the land pf Canaan killing all the inhabitants of the existing towns and villages and to dwell there "forever". At the same time the Law of Moses called for a strict observance of purification rites and the strict ordering of twelve tribes and the administration of worship and justice by the Levitical priesthood and families, the Kohanim. But, they blew i...

Confiscation Vs. Freedom

When the average street dealer gets arrested for drugs all his belongings immediately get confiscated; his car, his boat and his Rolex watches. They figure he bought this with the money gained through the sale of drugs Nobody questions Madoff 's belongings. He is free on ten million dollars bail paid with the money he gained by fucking his rich friends. Gotta laugh at the politics involved here.

"A Goodbye Kiss": Threw His Shoes at The President of the United States of America!

As he flung the shoes, Mr Zaidi shouted: "This is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog." A hero through his shoes! "In terms of the agreement this is a major achievement," spoke an unruffled President Bush knowing how important freedom of expression is in a free society. Espousing the ideals of social freedom, President Bush supported the act as an indication that freedom was beginning in Iraq. Although he will be view in history with great perplexity on a number of fronts, especially economic, he will forever be associated with this heroic act on the part of many of the Iraqi people. The Iraqi government called on his employers to apologize for the act, apparently planned for months. Then, the Al-Baghdadia news agency responded with a statement demanding al-Zaidi's release "in line with the democracy and freedom of expression that the American authorities promised the Iraqi people." They still have to learn that freedom of expression means non-v...

Daley Obama Blagojevich -"Politics = Who Owes What to Whom"

"The most important thing to criticize about Obama's career is invisible, because the media doesn't talk about it. By that I mean the growing debt Obama owes to the very worst element in Illinois politics, Mayor Richard Daley's political machine." Read: Obama's corrupt Illinois alliance