This is a response to the article recently published in Truthdig. "Billions Wasted in Iraq" . "It's How-dy Doody time!" These articles serve as another cute diversion for the naive public sponsored by the white collar corporate strategists and the billions they have legitimately bilked the Treasury over the Iraq issue —the same old scheme. The same obsessed treasure hunters that calmly created Lenin, Hitler and Hussein on Wall Street later fomented horrible calamities through their hand which always necessitated an advanced costly "military industrial complex" to address them, albeit, patriotically. These peacelovers mastefully invented these terrible crises with full intent and forethought as criminals do for the lucrative rewards that war and destruction inevitably bring. The Harrimans, Walkers and the Bushes, true Americans, were among such sponsors of the thirties and forties whose priorities,first, last and always —were to make money. Adept at pro...