I B elieve ... that the people of the U.S. govern in truth justice and love on that basis i think that we have the authority the capability and the noble responsibility to govern in wisdom but do we how many people have come here how many people have found their freedom for this reason i believe that we are a great nation arab jew gentile black white yellow red all live together here in peace it is natural for spoiled children to condemn their parents but as a people we refuse to foster hatred i urge all americans from tourists to business people never to exploit any people in any land directly or indirectly for certainly there is little profit in that but take stature grace and elegance to all places and the lamp of truth and freedom and feel free to share these gifts with all people build this foundation on peace and love never violence which breeds insanity never by cunning for riches or profit which is avarice but from a heart of courage defend the rights of the poor the vulnerabl...